Woman Hears Strange Barking Outside, Steps Into Her Backyard And Discovers An Unexpected Visitor Curled Up Quietly.

Stray dogs live on the streets, deprived of human love and care that they need. Having a loving home is all they wish for.

Since they lack interaction with humans, the stray dogs become fearful and skittish. Although they yearn to find their humans, they don’t know how to trust them.

Roo was one of those fearful stray pups who didn’t know how to interact with people.

In March 2023, the little puppy decided to conquer his fear, and he started searching for a kind human to help him find a better life.

As he roamed around the neighborhood in Central California, he went to a family’s backyard, hoping to get the help he needed.

Meeting Sweet Roo

dog sitting near brick walldog sitting near brick wall
Source: YouTube

It was 8 p.m. and Diane Ewert, a dog lover and rescuer, was at home when she heard loud barking coming from outside. She quickly went outside to check.

Ewert was left brokenhearted when she saw a scared little puppy sitting in her backyard with a sad look in his eyes.

When she tried to come closer, the dog barked at her. She offered him food, but the pup still didn’t let her approach him. Ewert realized that she would need to use a crate to catch him.

She went inside to get the crate, and after the pooch entered it, she brought him inside.

The puppy, later named Roo, was terrified. Ewert tried to stroke him, but the doggo flinched, so she gave it up. Seeing his reaction, Ewert was sure that Roo hadn’t interacted with humans before.

The Adorable Dog Learns To Trust Humans

injured dog eatinginjured dog eating
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