The Hollywood star portraying Wonder Woman enjoys staying fit even during her downtime. Gal Gadot, a 34-year-old Israeli actress, shared a delightful black-and-white picture of herself on Instagram over the weekend. In the photo, she is sitting on a bike close to the edge of a bridge, glancing back at the camera with a warm smile while wearing a bike helmet.
Wonder Woman’s cycling adventures: Gal Gadot shared a delightful black-and-white photo on her Instagram over the weekend, showing her casually posing on a bike by a bridge railing. The action star, standing tall at 5ft10in, added a fun caption to the snap, saying ‘On my days off I like to pose on bridges ;)’ Sporting a ponytail and a sleeveless collared shirt with sporty pants, Gadot completed her look with white sneakers as she leaned against the bridge railing. Surrounded by lush greenery in the background, it’s a mystery where exactly Gal is headed on her bike ride.
Hectic schedule: Along with her duties as Wonder Woman, Gadot is currently filming three other movies. She was spotted at the Oscars last year.
A potential hint can be found in the response from Gal Gadot’s friend and former colleague Isla Fisher on the social media post. Fisher questions, “Is that Atlanta?” This could suggest that Fisher is aware of Gadot’s filming locations and schedule for her upcoming projects. Apart from reprising her role as Wonder Woman in Wonder Woman 1984 alongside Kristen Wiig and Justice League Part Two, Gadot is also working on three other film projects.
Get ready to see Gal Gadot reprising her role as Diana Prince in the upcoming films Wonder Woman 1984 alongside Kristen Wiig, as well as Justice League Part Two.
One project Gal is involved in is Death On The Nile, an adaptation of an Agatha Christie novel directed by Kenneth Branagh. She is also working on a high-flying thriller called Red Notice with Ryan Reynolds and Dwayne Johnson, along with an upcoming film about Hedy Lamarr where she will play the lead role. Fans can look forward to her next film, Wonder Woman 1984, set to be released next June.
Beautiful lady: Gadot frequently updates her Instagram with posts, such as the recent one on Thursday, where she flaunted a bold dark lipstick as a brand ambassador for Revlon.