On Saturday night, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck, both 51, had a fun night out celebrating their friend Pia Miller’s 40th birthday. Jennifer, the 54-year-old singer, looked stunning in a green satin dress that perfectly showed off her famous curves. Before the party for the Australian model and actress, Jennifer shared a few photos of herself in the beautiful gown on social media. She captioned the post with ‘Date Night’ and a white heart emoji. Pia, a former Home and Away actress, and her husband, Patrick Whitesell, who is the chairman of Endeavor Talent Agency, have been long-time friends with Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. They were also guests at the couple’s wedding in 2022.
Stunning: The singer of the hit song “Waiting for Tonight” posted a few pictures of herself in a beautiful dress on her Instagram account.
Later that evening, the singer known for hits like “Jenny From the Block” shared a video of herself dancing at a party while holding palm fronds. She playfully captioned the clip, mentioning being next to a plant and waiting for date night with the hashtag #WaitingForTonight.
Her long, honey-colored hair was swept around by a fan, adding to the sultry music video vibe. Jennifer Lopez appeared to be enjoying herself as she smiled and danced to one of her popular songs.
Her partner, Ben Affleck, looked sharp in a black suit and white shirt in compliance with the party’s formal dress code. In other news, Jennifer recently sold her Bel Air mansion in California, where she lived before her marriage to Ben, for a whopping $34 million – setting a new record for the area.
Originally purchasing the nine-bedroom property with a 100-seat outdoor amphitheater for $28 million in 2016, she had initially listed it for $42.5 million in February. As for Ben Affleck, he also sold his 7-bedroom, 9-bathroom Pacific Palisades estate around the time of their marriage.
Night out: She kept it simple with the caption “Night Out” along with a white heart emoji.
In her post, she wrote: “When your favorite tune starts playing and you’re hanging out by a plant… Just waiting for a night out.” Accompanying the caption was a video of her grooving to her popular song while surrounded by tropical palm leaves.
The gusty wind caused her flowing honey-colored hair to sway dramatically, as if she were in a glamorous music video.
Delighted: JLo appeared to be thoroughly enjoying herself at the event, beaming with joy as she danced and performed her iconic hit song.
Reenactment: JLo appeared to be shooting a music video while dancing spontaneously.
Buddies: She and Ben have shared a close friendship with Pia Miller and Patrick Whitesell for a long time.
The pair recently secured a $20 million loan on a luxurious Beverly Hills estate they bought for $60.85 million in cash earlier this year. The singer’s previous Bel Air residence boasted amenities like a private lake, indoor cinema, infinity pool, gym, and 13 bathrooms. Lopez acquired the breathtaking eight-acre property from actor Sela Ward and Howard Sherman, spanning approximately 14,000 square feet in total.