At the D23 Expo held at the Anaheim Convention Center, Gal Gadot chatted about her role as the Evil Queen in Disney’s upcoming live-action Snow White film. The 37-year-old Wonder Woman star shared her experience working on the exciting project and admitted that playing a villain was a new and thrilling challenge for her. Alongside Gadot was Rachel Zegler, the film’s lead actress, who expressed her excitement and gratitude for portraying the beloved Disney princess.
Gal Gadot opened up about her role as the Evil Queen in Disney’s upcoming live-action Snow White movie at the D23 Expo in Anaheim. She shared with Deadline that the character is a departure from her previous roles, as she’s usually on the side of good. However, she found the chance to portray the iconic villain to be quite delightful. Gadot emphasized that getting into the mindset of the Evil Queen was an enjoyable experience, noting that the character is a far cry from who she is in real life.
The 37-year-old actress who starred in Wonder Woman recently discussed her experience working on the much-awaited movie and the challenge of playing a villain for the first time in her career, taking on the role of The Evil Queen in Snow White (1937).
Unique: In an interview with Deadline, Gadot expressed that the role she took on was unlike any she had tackled before, describing it as a departure from her usual characters. She mentioned that she typically portrays roles that are opposite to where the emotional core of the character should lie.
Renowned: While she is known for playing heroic roles, Gadot expressed her delight in embodying the iconic villain.
Zegler, at the age of 21, discussed her role as Snow White in the upcoming adaptation of the beloved 1937 animated classic.
The talented West Side Story actress shared that her character is on a quest to find empowerment to become a just and beloved ruler.
She mentioned that it was a privilege to update the film for a contemporary audience.
The live-action version of Snow White has been in development since 2016, with Marc Webb signing on as director three years later.
Snow White: Alongside the rising star Rachel Zegler, who expressed how special it is to take on the role of the beloved Disney princess in the upcoming film.
Last June, it was revealed that Gadot and Zegler would be the main actors in the movie.
In November, Greta Gerwig confirmed her involvement in co-writing the screenplay for the film.
The cast also includes Andrew Burnap and Martin Klebba, who will be bringing Grumpy to life in the project.
In June of last year, Gadot and Zegler were revealed as the top stars of the movie. The start of physical production was supposed to begin in 2020, but it had to be postponed because of the global pandemic. Filming finally started in March and went on for a few months before the crew finished in July. The upcoming live-action version of Snow White is scheduled to premiere in 2024.
Upcoming premiere: The highly-anticipated live-action version of Snow White is scheduled to hit the big screens in 2024.