Gal Gadot went for a laid-back look when she had lunch at the exclusive San Vicente Bungalows in West Hollywood on Tuesday. The 37-year-old star was stylish in a light orange ringer tee featuring white detailing on the sleeves and neckline, paired with white jeans and a slim brown leather belt that accentuated her slender waist.
Laid-back chic: Gal Gadot went for a relaxed and stylish look as she grabbed lunch at the exclusive San Vicente Bungalows in West Hollywood on a Tuesday afternoon.
The actress who plays Wonder Woman strolled in stylish brown leather sandals, rocking oversized movie star sunglasses as accessories. She had her hair tied back in a relaxed ponytail, embracing her natural beauty without any makeup. As she left the restaurant, she flashed a bright smile and threw up a peace sign. Gadot’s latest outing follows her excited comments about playing the Evil Queen in Disney’s upcoming live-action Snow White adaptation.
Flawless combination: The 37-year-old female star looked stunning in a light orange ringer t-shirt accented with white details on the neckline and sleeves. She paired it with white denim jeans and a delicate brown leather belt that highlighted her slender waist even more.
Thrilled: Gadot made a recent appearance following her enthusiastic comments about playing the role of the Evil Queen in Disney’s live-action Snow White movie. Gadot was spotted on September 10th.
She talked about her portrayal of a villain at the D23 Expo held at the Anaheim Convention Center last month. Gadot mentioned to Deadline that this role was unlike anything she had done before, as she is usually accustomed to playing characters on the opposite spectrum of where the emotions lie. Even though she is more familiar with heroic roles, Gadot expressed how enjoyable it was to take on the challenge of bringing to life such an iconic villain. She gleefully shared how engaging it was to delve into the character’s psyche, while also making it clear that the Evil Queen is a far cry from who she is in real life.
At a recent event, Rachel Zegler revealed details about her new role as Snow White in the upcoming adaptation of the classic animated film from 1937. She shared that her character is on a quest for independence and wants to be a fair and great ruler. Zegler expressed how privileged she feels to bring the beloved movie to a contemporary audience. In addition to this project, Zegler is also involved in other movies such as a Cleopatra film and a project about the iconic actress Hedy Lamarr.
Thrilled about her part: Rachel Zegler, 21, expressed her excitement about playing Snow White in the new version of the classic 1937 animated movie.