Gal Gadot stunned on the red carpet at the 78th Annual Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, showcasing her long legs in a stylish manner. The 35-year-old actress, known for her role in Wonder Woman 1984, graced the partly virtual event in a chic short dress as she prepared to present the award for Best Foreign Language Picture. This year’s ceremony marked a unique occurrence as it was the first time the Golden Globes were simultaneously held on both the East and West coasts, a result of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. While Tina Fey took on hosting duties in New York, her close friend and fellow SNL alumna, Amy Poehler, led the show from Los Angeles.
Gal Gadot, aged 35, showcased her long and toned legs in a stylish short white dress while attending and presenting at the 78th Annual Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills on Sunday. Her billowing pearl white dress accentuated her legs, which were on full display. The outfit featured additional layers of sheer white fabric on her arms and a high collar that grazed her chin. Standing tall at 5ft10in, the Israeli actress completed her look with sparkling silver open-toed heels. Keeping her appearance elegantly simple, she added a touch of glamour with a large jeweled pendant surrounded by small diamonds.
Tall and elegant: The attire featured additional sheer white fabric on her sleeves and a high neck that grazed her chin. Standing at 5ft10in, the Israeli actress confidently rocked shimmering silver open-toed heels.
The adorable duo of Gal Gadot and her husband Yaron Varsano made a stylish appearance on the red carpet. They became a married couple back in 2008, showcasing their love for each other at the event.
Gal showcased her voluminous black hair styled in bouncy shoulder-length curls.
Accompanying her on the red carpet was her spouse, Israeli real estate businessman Yaron Varsano, with whom she got married in 2008.
In 2019, the couple teamed up to create their own production company, Pilot Wave.
Meanwhile, staying at home were their two adorable young daughters: Alma, who is nine years old, and Maya, who is three.
Friends at work: The couple teamed up in 2019 to create Pilot Wave, their own production company.
At home by themselves were their two little girls: Alma, who was nine years old, and Maya, who was just three.
Gal gracefully glided across the stage at the awards ceremony to announce the winner of the prestigious Golden Globe for Best Foreign Language Picture, which was awarded to Minari. Despite its Korean dialogue, Minari is actually an American film starring Steven Yeun from The Walking Dead as Jacob Yi, the patriarch of a Korean–American family who relocates from California to rural Arkansas in the 1980s. Jacob is determined to sell his produce in Dallas, but faces challenges such as xenophobia from the community and his son David’s heart condition, which limits his physical activities. The film has received high praise and currently holds a remarkable 98 percent fresh rating from critics on Rotten Tomatoes.
In this vintage-inspired story, an American movie featuring Korean dialogue, The Walking Dead’s Steven Yeun takes on the role of Jacob Yi, the patriarch of a Korean-American family relocating from California to remote Arkansas in the 1980s.
The father is determined to sell his farm produce in Dallas, but faces challenges from xenophobia in the community and his son David’s health issues. Joining Gal at the event was her co-star Kristen Wiig, dressed as her character from Barb & Star Go To Vista Del Mar, along with her co-writer Annie Mumolo. Kristen portrayed the shy geologist Barbara Minerva who later turns into the villain Cheetah in Wonder Woman 1984. The ceremony, usually held in early January, was postponed to February 28 due to the ongoing pandemic. Hosted by Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, the event saw Fey in New York City and Poehler in Los Angeles, with nominees filming from home and presenters attending in person.
Accompanying Gal at the event was her friend from Wonder Woman 1984, Kristen Wiig. Kristen arrived in costume as her character from Barb & Star Go To Vista Del Mar, joined by her costar and co-writer Annie Mumolo.
Former friends turned enemies: Kristen took on the role of Barbara Minerva, a mild-mannered geologist who starts off as Diana Prince’s coworker, only to transform into the ferocious villain known as Cheetah.