As she ventured out to a park in Beverly Hills during the coronavirus pandemic, Gal Gadot opted for a casual look, sporting a tank top, shorts, and black trainers. The Israeli actress, aged 35, kept it simple yet stylish with a white sleeveless top and grey shorts, accessorizing with stud earrings and sunglasses. To stay safe, she also wore a blue medical face mask, ensuring to cover her nose and mouth while walking a dog in the park.
Gal Gadot was spotted at a park in Beverly Hills, California on Sunday, sporting a casual ensemble of a tank top and shorts. Her short dark hair framed her face, revealing her natural beauty without any makeup. Fans are eagerly awaiting her return as Diana Prince, also known as Wonder Woman, in the upcoming movie “Wonder Woman 1984”. Originally set for a June release, the film will now hit theaters on August 14, with Warner Bros Pictures behind the highly-anticipated sequel. The change in the release date was due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.
Celebrity in Hollywood: The Israeli actress, aged 35, who plays Wonder Woman in the DC Extended Universe, was seen carrying a blue facial mask.
Adorable pupper: Gal was accompanied by a charming black pooch during her visit to the park.
Hiding her face: The actress shielded her nose and mouth by wearing a face mask. Gal originally took on the role of the DC Comics superhero in the movie Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice back in 2016. She then reprised her role as the Amazon princess in the solo film Wonder Woman in 2017, as well as in the ensemble movie Justice League that same year. Directed by Patty Jenkins, Wonder Woman raked in an impressive $822 million in global box office earnings.
Exciting news! Gal Gadot is set to return as Diana Prince, AKA Wonder Woman, in the highly-anticipated sequel, Wonder Woman 1984. Stay tuned for more updates!
Patty is set to helm the upcoming sequel Wonder Women 1984, which will feature the reprisal of Chris Pine, Robin Wright, and Connie Nielsen. Joining the cast are Kristen Wiig, 46, and Pedro Pascal, 45. Kristen will take on the role of Barbara Ann Minerva, also known as the supervillain Cheetah.
Gal Gadot will star in the upcoming superhero movie “Wonder Woman 1984,” set to be released in August.