Earlier this year, Gal Gadot became a household name after her role as Wonder Woman. However, she recently took a trip back to her hometown in Israel for a summer getaway. The 32-year-old actress was spotted in a chic yet casual outfit of a t-shirt and denim skirt, enjoying a leisurely stroll through the streets of Tel Aviv with a friend.
There’s no place like home for Gal Gadot, who recently returned to her roots in Israel for a well-deserved summer break. After a hectic schedule promoting the latest Marvel movie, the actress was all smiles reuniting with friends and family in her hometown. Enjoying the sunny weather, she rocked a stylish denim skirt that highlighted her slim legs, paired with a classic white tee that added a touch of sophistication to her casual look.
Tall lady: Enjoying the sunny day, the dark-haired woman put on a short denim skirt that hugged her waist, revealing her slender, elongated legs.
In a casually chic fashion choice, the actress combined a skirt with a classic white T-shirt, adorned with a stylish slit and cut-out detail at the neckline. Completing the ensemble with studded sandals for a touch of glamour, she accessorized with a black handbag slung over one shoulder and trendy cat-eye sunglasses.
Pulling her hair back into a sleek ponytail and opting for a natural makeup look, the former Miss Israel showcased her flawless complexion as she strolled through the city with a friend. Capturing the moment with her iPhone, Gal’s radiant smile reflected the joy of spending time with her loved ones.
Summer style: Completing her outfit with a touch of sparkle in studded sandals, she paired it with a sleek black handbag hanging off her shoulder and stylish cat-eye sunglasses for a touch of glamour.
Gal looked stunning with her hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail and a subtle makeup look that showed off her naturally radiant complexion. After a busy period promoting her film Wonder Woman, which was released in June, she seemed to be enjoying a well-deserved break.
Even though the movie was well-received by fans, Gal had to confront critics who body-shamed her for not having a curvier figure to play the role of the iconic superhero. In response, she pointed out a historical fact, saying, “If we’re being realistic, the Amazons only had one breast.”
Taking a breather: Capturing some snaps with her trusty iPhone, Gal couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear while spending quality time with her closest friends and family on a lazy afternoon.
The talented actress seemed quite relieved to finally take a break after a busy period promoting her movie Wonder Woman alongside Chris Pine. The film was released in June and had kept her occupied for weeks.
In a light-hearted manner, she poked fun at comments about her body, questioning whether having small breasts and a small rear end would really make a difference.
Furthermore, she shared a humorous anecdote about the challenges of filming action scenes while pregnant with her second child. Initially hesitant to reveal her pregnancy to the cast and crew, she eventually had to come clean. She emphasized the need for women to be able to do their jobs without drawing unnecessary attention.
Describing how they accommodated her pregnancy during filming, she mentioned how they had to create a makeshift green screen on her stomach by cutting open the costume. It resulted in a funny sight – Wonder Woman with a baby bump.
“What are you even saying?”: Yet, Gal found herself having to confront critics who accused her of not having the right curves to portray the iconic superhero.