Gal Gadot had a laid-back day out with her kids in Los Angeles on Sunday. The 38-year-old actress from Israel was spotted enjoying some frozen yogurt with her daughters, keeping her outfit simple and comfortable for the outing. Despite her casual look, Gal has been using her platform to speak out about the recent attack by Hamas and calling for the release of hostages. She was seen wearing a loose white T-shirt paired with olive shorts that showed off her long legs. Completing her look with beige slide sandals and chic black sunglasses, Gal was ready to soak up the late afternoon sun with her family.
Yummy delight: Gal Gadot, 38, rocked a relaxed yet stylish look on Sunday while treating her daughters to some frozen yogurt in Los Angeles, showing off her toned legs in the process.
Keeping it casual: The actress from Wonder Woman looked effortlessly cool in a pair of small olive shorts paired with a basic white shirt. She completed her laid-back look with stylish beige slide sandals featuring thick straps.
Sporting her shoulder-length brown hair pulled back with diamond stud earrings visible, the actress opted for a natural makeup look. Accompanied by her daughters, they seemed to have made a trip to Sephora, carrying the store’s iconic shopping bags.
Her husband was notably absent from the outing, as the couple has been married since 2008 and share three daughters. Gal is renowned for her role as Wonder Woman in various DC Comics films, including Justice League and Zack Snyder’s revisions.
Recently, rumors spread about her and other DC Universe actors being replaced, as the studio reevaluates its superhero franchises following lackluster releases. Nonetheless, Gal has upcoming projects such as a series about actress Hedy Lamarr, a sequel to Red Notice with Ryan Reynolds and Dwayne Johnson, and a Cleopatra film with Patty Jenkins.
She also stars in Disney’s live-action Snow White, set for a 2025 release after concerns of potential failure prompted a delay. Despite these setbacks, Gal continues to be a sought-after talent in the industry.
A day out in the city: With her sleek black sunglasses and hair pulled back, she strolled the streets with her daughters, each clutching their own Sephora shopping bags from their earlier spree.
Transitioning to a new phase: The performer has experienced a somewhat uneventful year in the movie industry, taking on a few brief cameo appearances and landing a leading role in Netflix’s Heart Of Stone. This followed news that DC Studios had parted ways with her and many other stars from its DC Extended Universe earlier in the year.
Up next: Despite this, she is still confirmed to take on the role of the Evil Queen in the upcoming live-action adaptation of Disney’s Snow White, starring Rachel Zegler. The release date for the film has been delayed until 2025 due to concerns that it may not perform well at the box office unless some major changes are made.
In the upcoming film, Rachel Zegler from West Side Story will play Snow White, while Gal will star as the Evil Queen set on destroying her. Gal has been actively sharing social media posts advocating for the release of hostages taken by Hamas following their shocking attack on Israel on October 7th, which resulted in over 1,400 deaths. Unfortunately, over 60 Israeli hostages have reportedly been killed in Israeli airstrikes on Gaza in retaliation for the attack. The Gazan Health Ministry, under Hamas control, has also reported that more than 4,000 children have lost their lives since the start of Israel’s counterattack.